Selinus University
Let's talk about us
Selinus University is currently registered as an LLC in the state of Delaware (USA) and as an SA in the Republic of Panama. Initially, it was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Dominica (2014). However, it does not carry out any educational, economic or financial activity in these jurisdictions. Our founding principles are based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: under Article 26, Selinus University believes that higher education is a human right, equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
Selinus University is an international private Graduate School that focuses exclusively on distance learning; it addresses adult students, especially managers, professionals and entrepreneurs. As a Distance Learning Graduate School, it carries out free and independent non-formal university activities. Its study programs are distributed by Uniselinus Europe Networking University Srl based in Ragusa and Uniselinus Europe Ltd based in London.
Both companies are responsible for distributing distance learning study programs, preparation for student exams, supervision and assistance with final dissertations and issuance of degree certificates which can be duly legalized with International Apostille upon request.
Selinus University has a global private accreditation by the World Certification Institute (WCI) in Washington, DC. It is also recognized by California University (CUFCE) for equivalent US degrees awarding.
Selinus University Graduate School is not accredited by agencies recognized by the US Secretary of Education nor by any government agency authorized by CHEA.