Industrial science, Safety and prevention at work, technical training, complex site management, renewable and wind energy, management system.
PhD in Energetic Engineering. Selinus University. US equivalence degree "MSc in Environmental Engineeering (California University). MSc in Environmental Engineering, Selinus University. Bachelor of Science in prevention and safety at work, ISSEA SA Polytechnic of Business Studies, CH.
Twenty years of professional experience in the field of health and safety at work, environmental management, preparation and supervision of management systems (UNI EN ISP 14001:2015 - UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and previous versions, FSC and PEFC, CE marking of fireproof products) in various industrial contexts and complex and articulated shipbuilding. Consultant, trainer, HSE Manager, R.S.P.P.. Safety coordinator for shipyards. From 2002 to 2005 he worked in leading shipyards in the Italian energy sector and in central energy refineries.