Professional Recognition

People who reached professional level, who owns a significant cultural back-ground obtained through private studies and experience, those who perform professional activities at a high level, those who have a culture equivalent to a path of university studies, has the right to do check your eligibility and obtain, from Selinus University, in relation to their sector, a prestigious academic title.
Convinced of the fundamental importance of the value of each individual and of his practical experience, in life and in the workplace, the Selinus University, through the system APEL (Accreditation of Prior Learning Experiental) also admits to its courses candidates already in possession of a ‘excellent basic training in their field, and they can try to function professionally at a high level for at least three years.
The Selinus University, in fact, developed a curriculum and an accelerated learning technology which allows, under certain conditions, obtaining a Bachelor’s, a Master’s or a Doctorate validating any previous studies and human experience, civil and professional students. In some cases, if you have more than 25 years of age and five of demonstrable work experience, adding a final dissertation to candidate training, you can go directly to an academic degree.