Social, organizational and transpersonal psychology, Leadership and Coaching, Spirituality, Pedagogy and Learning diseases, Radioaesthesiology, Holistic and Integral Therapy, Psychosomatics, Personal growth
Master’s degree in Political Sciences from la Sapienza, Rome, Master’s degree in Psychology, from Selinus University, Expert in Clinical methodology at La Sapienza University, Life and Soul Coach, Counsellor Supervisor, Focusing Trainer, Scientific Focusing Coordinator certifier, Hypnotherapist.
Roberta D’Ottavi started her career as Researcher in the field of world university networks at the Italian statistical institute, and was consultant for the Ministry of University and Research for the development of an international educational strategy project, and then for the evaluation of the foreign university systems. She also collaborated within the European Union agency for buiding up the Adult training program and for the research, data analysis and best practices in favour of cultural and educational policies.
She worked as Communication company manager. Her grant for the development of a National Training Project in Europe from the University of Roma Tre was awarded.
Diploma in English studies from Cambridge University, and DELF, Diploma in French studies, from the French Ministry of Culture.