Law, History, Philosophy, Religion, Literature
Graduation Diploma in History from the Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil.
Law Degree from the José do Rosário Vellano University, Brazil.
Specialization in “The Book: Making and Meaning in the Medieval Manuscript” from Harvard University, US. PhD in Intercultural and Historical Transfers in Medieval Mediterranean Europe, from the Institut Superior d'Investigació Cooperativada [ISIC-IVITRA] of the Universitat d'Alacant, Spain.
Extension courses: “Numismatic: the coin as document”; History of Al-Andalus: the muslim Spain” (Federal University of Alfenas-MG, Brazil).
Research general interest in Ancient and Medieval History, Philosophy, Religion and Literature. Member of the Research Group “Art, Philosophy and Literature in the Middle Ages” (CNPq-Brazil).